Sacred Spaces Valpo Scavenger Hunt 2018: Finding Spiritual Space in Everyday Life

Sacred_Spaces_Valpo_Scavenger_Hunt_2018_-1Beautiful locations for spiritual contemplation are all around us; Nature, churches, gardens, labyrinths and maybe our own back yards.

Valparaiso First United Methodist Church (ValpoFUMC) invites the community to explore these special places alone or with friends and family of all ages as part of “Sacred Spaces Valpo Scavenger Hunt 2018”. Game cards turned in before Labor Day are entered to win one of three thoughtful and generous prize packages including gift cards to local dining, gift items, books, and more.

Sacred Spaces Valpo 2018 Game cards list 20 Sacred Space locations within 60 miles of Valparaiso and include a blank space for each person to count their favorite personal sacred space. Players will share experiences and pictures with the hashtag #SacredSpacesValpo2018 so others can find their entries. Players also get a decal to display and when other players spot it they are invited to interact for more game entries.

The game runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Players must complete a minimum of ten Sacred Space visits to enter the prize drawing. Players gain an additional entry for visiting all twenty Sacred Spaces, and also for each other player name they list on their game card.

Three prize winners will be drawn Sunday Sept 9th on Facebook Live Winners do not have to be present to win.

This game will encourage all of us to seek the sacred in our daily lives, explore new places and grow in our faith this summer.

Pick up Game Cards to play from Valparaiso First United Methodist Church located at 103 Franklin Street, Valparaiso Indiana 46383