Why We Take X-Rays at Growing Smiles

kids-smilingThere is a lot that goes on with teeth, well beyond a basic cleaning. Have you ever been in a dental office and wondered why they have you stand perfectly still in front of a large machine so they can take what are called "x-rays"? You probably have, and you've probably wondered what the point was for having them done on your teeth.

Dentists take x-rays, or pictures of a patient's teeth in order to see beyond the surface of each tooth. An x-ray can show what can't be seen by the naked eye. The goal is to find any problems that may have arisen inside the tooth.

Tooth decay, bone loss, gum disease, and hidden structures like wisdom teeth can be found with x-rays. There are different types of x-rays that have different purposes.

Periapical x-rays show the entire tooth structure from the crown all the way to the tip of the root and the bones that support the tooth. These x-rays are used to diagnose dental problems in the gum line and jaw like impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts, tumors, and bone changes.

Panoramic x-rays show a broad view of the jaws and their joints, teeth, sinuses, and nasal area. They show problems like impacted teeth, solid growths, cysts, infections, bone abnormalities, and fractures.

Bitewing x-rays show the upper and lower sets of back teeth. These x-rays can show tooth decay in the spaces between teeth as well as bone loss from gum disease and dental infections.

Occlusal x-rays show the roof and floor of the mouth. They are used to show things like extra teeth, jaw fractures, cleft palates, teeth that have not yet broken through the gums, cysts, abscesses, or growths.

Being able to find hidden issues using x-rays can let us at Growing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry help our small patients avoid big problems.  For more information or to set up an appointment for your child call us at 219-286-6148.