Be Wise, Immunize: Adults Need Immunizations

Be-Wise-ImmunizeQ. I’m a grown up with kids of my own. Aren’t I finished with vaccinations?

A. Adults need immunizations too! Throughout your life, you need immunizations to get and maintain your protection against certain diseases. The specific immunizations you need as an adult are determined by factors such as your age, lifestyle, health conditions, locations of travel, and previous immunizations.

In general, the CDC recommends the following vaccines for adults:

  • Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) for all adults who have not previously received the Tdap vaccine.
  • Shingles for adults 60 and older.
  • Pneumococcal disease for adults 65 and older and other adults with specific health conditions.
  • Hepatitis B infection for adults with diabetes or at risk for hepatitis B.


Other vaccinations you may need include those that protect against human papillomavirus (which can cause certain cancers), hepatitis A, meningococcal disease, chickenpox (varicella), and measles, mumps and rubella. Ask your doctor which vaccines are recommended for you. You may also visit this handy website from the CDC for an interactive checklist:

Click here to read on vaccinating to protect those who rely on you as a caregiver!